It's been quite awhile since my last wedding post. I wish that I could say that I have accomplished a bunch of things since I last wrote, but that would probably not be true :) We, however, are making slight progress so I'll take it!
Today actually, I finally finished collecting all of the mason jars that are going to be used for drinking glasses! I bought the chalkboard contact paper, the funky shape punch and foresee a wedding craft party in my near future :)
I also got the materials to make our program pockets. Paper lace doilies and Kraft paper, along with a custom stamp that I wanted to use for our wedding invitation burlap pockets, but didn't quite get to. The Kraft paper is a little darker than I wanted, but it will hopefully turn out well. I am attempting to use Photoshop to make my own wedding programs, but since I'm still learning, I'm not really pleased with how they are turning out...
Mark's parents have been SO AWESOME helping me recently. I think Mark's mom is a little concerned with our lack of progress...that, or she just feels sorry for me :) Along with paying for the rehearsal dinner, she has decided to take the burden off of me and handle everything for me! Ahh, I can just feel the relief pouring off.
So, because I am quite a control freak, I told her that I wanted to do a picnic theme...complete with red gingham tablecloths and a packed Gable box lunch with a cute little label on the front. Knowing these details, she has my complete trust.
I did tell her that I would handle the invite for the rehearsal, as well as the label for the Gable boxes. And this is what I came up with:

On a crappier note, my florist has been quite MIA recently. I decided to go with the Florist I chose because during our meeting, we really connected. She was the type of person that after a few minutes, I felt like I had known her forever. Since that meeting, however, she has been impossible to get a hold of. Not returning phone calls, or emails, and only responding when we stop in the store. And a month before the wedding, I STILL haven't gotten my contract in the mail even though she "said" she has mailed it multiple times over. I recognize that I'm a control freak and at first I was worrying that she wasn't on the same page with my vision and was going to bring something that I didn't like. But now I'm worrying that she won't even remember to SHOW UP! We are supposed to have a meeting tomorrow, and I really hope that resolves my insecurity regarding the wedding flowers.
We went to the most awesome antique mall this past weekend and knocked off a ton of items on our list. My most proud purchase was the cutest wire heart chair and an awesome vintage door for only $20! I really hope everything falls together!
Mark and I met with our officiant and finalized our wedding ceremony. We both realized that we are more traditional than we thought. i am most excited about our vows! They are perfect. My newest to-do is to figure out HOW to ask the two ladies that we would be honored to have read at the ceremony. Any suggestions?
I can't believe it's almost August. We are one month away and there's still so much to do!